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[PHP] Time ago calculation function

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It is a very nice PHP time ago function. You gave pass any date to it and it will tell if it was few seconds ago, few months ago or it happened years back.


PHP  SCRIPT (function / snippet)

NAME: Php time ago calculation function

It is a very nice PHP time ago function.

You can give this function any date of the past and it will return output like :
2 minutes ago
5 hours ago
8 montha ago
3 years ago


function timeAgoClaculator($date){ 

// Store provided date properly
    $timeToUse = strtotime($date); 
	// This is the current time
    $currentTime = time(); 
	// Here we calculate the difference i.e. the "the time ago"
    $timeAgo = $currentTime - $timeToUse; 
	// If time ago is less than 60 seconds
    if($timeAgo < 60){ 
        $roundedTime = round($timeAgo); 
        $seconds = ($roundedTime == 1)?"second":"seconds"; 
        return "$roundedTime $seconds ago"; 
		// I it is in minutes, i.e. time ago is less than an hour
    }elseif($timeAgo < 3600){ 
        $roundedTime = round($timeAgo / 60); 
        $minutes = ($roundedTime == 1)?"minute":"minutes"; 
        return "$roundedTime $minutes ago"; 
		// If time ago is in hours i.e. less than a day
    }elseif($timeAgo >= 3600 && $timeAgo < 86400){ 
        $roundedTime = round($timeAgo / 60 / 60); 
        $h = ($roundedTime == 1)?"hour":"hours"; 
        return "$roundedTime $h ago"; 
		// If time ago is in days i.e. less than a month
    }elseif($timeAgo >= 86400 && $timeAgo < 2629743.83){ 
        $roundedTime = round($timeAgo / 60 / 60 / 24); 
        $d = ($roundedTime == 1)?"day":"days"; 
        return "$roundedTime $d ago"; 
		// If time ago is in months
    }elseif($timeAgo >= 2629743.83 && $timeAgo < 31556926){ 
        $roundedTime = round($timeAgo / 60 / 60 / 24 / 30.4375); 
        $months = ($roundedTime == 1)?"month":"months"; 
        return "$roundedTime $months ago"; 
		// Finally if the event happened years ago
        $roundedTime = round($timeAgo / 60 / 60 / 24 / 365); 
        $years = ($roundedTime == 1)?"year":"years"; 
        return "$roundedTime $years ago"; 

// Now let us test the PHP time ago function
echo timeAgoClaculator("2016-06-05 00:01:15")."<br />"; 
echo timeAgoClaculator("2016-06-04 22:12:16")."<br />"; 
echo timeAgoClaculator("2015-05-05 22:22:25")."<br />"; 
echo timeAgoClaculator("2012-02-22 11:12:12")."<br />"; 


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